In 2020, we developed a strategic vision (Pivot Park Sustainability Report 2021-2026) of the opportunities and ambitions we can and could have regarding sustainability going forward. One of the short-term contributions we wanted to make is to replace the paper coffee cups.
Every day 19 million disposable drinking cups and food packaging are used and thrown away in the Netherlands. The European Commission has drawn up a SUP (Single Use Plastic) directive (Directive (EU) 2019/904) to significantly reduce the amount of plastic and cardboard waste. State Secretary Steven van Weyenberg (D66, Infrastructure and Water Management) writes in a letter to parliament that from January 2023 all coffee cups must be washable or largely recycled. Currently, we are using 27.500 cups per year at Pivot Park, something we can easily improve!
We have already acted on this by supplying each community member with a washable coffee mug. During ‘barista day’, at least three hundred mugs were already collected, and while enjoying a delicious cup of coffee (or tea) and a tasty piece of cake, we reflected on our anniversary. In the upcoming weeks, all paper coffee cups will be removed from the pantries and replaced with sustainable mugs.
Are you curious about Pivot Park’s vision on sustainability and what goals we have set? Download our sustainability report here.