Radboud University (Nijmegen), Pivot Park Life Science campus (Oss) and HAN University of applied sciences (Nijmegen), are jointly organizing the very first edition summer school ‘Preclinical Drug Discovery’ coming July. The course will be covering the most important aspects of modern drug discovery.
Anyone interested in drug discovery with a background in any of the life sciences, ranging from students with at least bachelor level to laboratory technicians, entrepreneurs and researchers employed by life sciences and/or chemical companies, is invited to apply for this 5-day course delivered at Pivot Park life sciences campus in Oss 5th-9th of July 2021.
The content of the lectures are designed by academic and industry experts in the field of early drug discovery. The course is a combination of lectures, seminars, group assignments and visits to companies active in pharmaceutical R&D located at Pivot Park. At the end of the week, participants will present in a team a case for a jury
A selection of the following subjects will be covered during the course:
- principles and challenges of drug discovery;
- different phases of drug discovery;
- conventional and novel therapeutic modalities;
- target identification and validation;
- assay development and hit finding through high-throughput screening;
- importance of hit triaging and validation of target engagement;
- medicinal chemistry and hit & lead optimization;
- ADMET, animal PoC;
- IP generation.
Learning Outcomes
After this course you are able to:
- Understand how drugs are discovered and developed
- Understand in general terms the process of drug discovery (the different phases)
- Understand the basic principles of medicinal chemistry
- Understand the important factors for a molecule to become a drug
How to apply for the Preclinical Drug Discovery summer school?
The participants must have a bachelor’s in any of the life sciences, and therefore a basic understanding of chemistry and biology. In order to apply a CV and motivation letter need to be submitted before June 1st. https://www.ru.nl/radboudsummerschool/courses/2021/introduction-preclinical-drug-discovery/
Course Fee:
The fee for this course is € 600 for seats on location (Pivot Park in Oss) or € 400 for seats online.
A special discount of 15% discount applies to:
- students from our partner universities
- students from Radboud University
- alumni of Radboud Summer School and Radboud University
- students of master Molecular Lifes Sciences of the HAN
- alumni of the School of Applied Biosciences and Chemistry of the HAN
- co-workers of the HAN BioCentre
- employees from companies at Pivot Park
Mode of study
On location
We aim to offer this course on location (Pivot Park Life Science Campus in Oss). We motivate you to join onsite as the course will consist of a combination of interactive live sessions, company/lab visits, challenging discussions with other participants, group work and individual study. We have 25 onsite seats available.
You can also take part in this course online. Study from the comfort of your own home, and meet participants from all over the world, expanding your international network with no additional costs for hotels or flights. We have 8 seats online (for students located abroad).
Course Leaders:
Dr. Floris Rutjes
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Dr. Pedro Hermkens (General coordinator)
Lector Drug Discovery at HAN university of applied sciences
HAN BioCentre, CoE of Applied Biosciences & Chemistry
Dr. Saman Honarnejad
Director Drug Discovery, Pivot Park Screening Centre BV
Assay Development
Course Programme (TBC)
REGISTER NOW! The application is open until June 1st.