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10 years Pivot Park: Vivenics

Pivot Park was founded 10 years ago in 2012 and to mark the first decade of this, we asked several tenants who have been with us since the beginning. They talk about their successes, how to contribute to our ambition to improve global health care and what they expect from the upcoming 10 years. Last week, we shared the story of ImmunoPrecise. This week  Vivenics will be in the spotlight. 

Vivenics was one of the first companies to establish an office at Pivot Park ten years ago in 2012. The company became responsible for the Park’s IT infrastructure after the departure of MSD/Organon. Since then, Vivenics has become a well known and highly respected company in the consultancy of data integrity, cybersecurity and privacy – all essential in the field of data science. The head of Vivenics, Petrik Cuijpers explains how the company came to Pivot Park.

“Reliable data are the building blocks for successful data science”

“We started Vivenics after the departure of MSD/Organon. We had supported the IT of Research & Development at MSD. When it became known that MSD would leave Oss on 31 December 2011, we immediately began to prepare for this. So by January 1, 2012 we were able to get started right away.”

Initially, Vivenics was busy configuring the Pivot Park network so that all organisations could seamlessly connect to it. Cuijpers then began to offer specific application services to the new companies arriving at Pivot Park. Over the past decade, Vivenics has increasingly focused on ensuring data integrity and data protection in pharmaceutical labs: “The integrity of data is crucial for IP protection and for effective data science. Guarantees for safe storage and authorised access are essential in Research & Development, and to avoid data fraud. Reliable data are the building blocks of data science and Vivenics has the specialist know-how.”

Cuijpers explains that the verifiable original measurement data is of crucial importance, but that the storage and processing of this in smaller labs is often not addressed properly.

“So that data ends up in Excel sheets on an outdated computer system and can easily get corrupted. We see that the analysis of all raw data is becoming increasingly important, and that proper data management is essential. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, you can then search for patterns and combine company data with public data from a multitude of sources. “For example, if a company develops a new chemical compound. A streamlined set of algorithms can help you compare it with ‘similar compounds’ in public databases and in scientific publications. You may come across potential applications you had not considered in the first place. This provides guidance for follow-up research. We have helped a number of biotech companies to set up, organise and use a central database according to the acronym of FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable.”

Vivenics offers cybersecurity, data protection and software implementation consultancy services. Cuijpers continues, “We’re always looking for new employees and partnerships, but we don’t necessarily want to become a big company. We focus on quality of staff, business knowledge and customer satisfaction. Because of our knowledge and approach, especially startups and smaller biotech companies like those based on Pivot Park can really benefit from our services.” 

Vivenics has now grown to eleven permanent employees, six contractors and a broad network of established partners. When recruiting new staff, Cuijpers also tries to engage people who may have some distance to the labour market. “You may have to invest a little more time in supervision, but our experience has shown that it pays off.” Cuijpers sees the growth in the coming years mainly in more focused services and a broader customer portfolio. “We invest in long term relationships and we want to continue to grow at a sustainable pace.”

Vivenics maps out and optimises the business processes of biopharmaceutical R&D organisations. Improving the integrity of research data and the protection of personal clinical data. The company provides data science solutions to assist key decision making in the analysis of proprietary data in combination with large public data sets.

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Pivot Park Captains' Dinner

10 years ago, Pivot Park opened its doors to the world. Thanks to your commitment, support and confidence, we have been able to grow it into the successful and innovative biopharmaceutical campus it is today.

Now it’s time to celebrate!

We are therefore delighted to invite you – along with all your fellow CEOs at Pivot Park – to a special night out featuring inspiring art, a wonderful dinner and lots of opportunities to network and exchange ideas.

Erwin Wurm | Am I a House?

For the first time, the artist shows a cross-section of his work, from Narrow Furniture to One Minute Sculptures, within the walls of a historic building. Villa Constance, a former home that today houses Museum Jan Cunen, is not only a location but also part of the conversation. Because what exactly is a house?


The development of medicines in Oss began one hundred years ago. It was then that the foundations were laid for what would become a flourishing pharmaceutical sector in the Netherlands, leading to groundbreaking discoveries such as insulin and the anti-conception pill.

Today, the entire chain is still represented in Oss, from early-stage research to the commercial scale production of medicines. Working in Oss, we focus on the health of people all over the world. Employees at dozens of companies large and small put their heart and soul into new medicines, products and services that will improve lives worldwide. Together, our strength lies in our combination of broad knowledge about the development of medicines and a thorough understanding of the requirements of high-quality production.

This shared past and common values stimulate strong bonds among everyone who works in pharmaceuticals in Oss. We build on qualities, expertise and networks that go back decades. And with a wide variety of pharmaceutical companies, suppliers and scientific institutions all located nearby, we offer an attractive business climate and an excellent basis for international collaboration.

We are proud to work together to create a better and healthier future for all, a collaboration that in turn fuels growing employment: today, most pharmaceutical jobs in the Netherlands are in Oss. Here we connect talent and companies and stimulate entrepreneurship, while our expert employees are our most important asset. Their drive ensures that Oss has an influence on health all over the world.

Pharma in Oss offers endless opportunities to startups and talent in a city and region that is a joy to live and work in. We are committed to collaboration and sustainable and successful entrepreneurship. Oss’s pharmaceutical companies are intrinsically competitive while also being committed to quality and safety. This, plus their focus on new health solutions and contemporary technology, makes us a leader in our pursuit of a better life for people worldwide.